Which WOF queen are you? (All my art!)

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This quiz is about which WOF queen you are! You all answer ten questions, and, it will tell you what WOF Queen you are. Keep in mind, these are only queens from Pyrria. Not Pantala. Have fun taking my quiz!

The is ALL MY art! No one else’s. I drew every picture in this quiz. I hope you like my art, and I would really appreciate it if you gave me feedback about my art, and the quiz in general. You may repost my art, if you so wish, but please don’t say it’s yours it would cause me a lot of trouble if you did, so please don’t say you made my art. Thanks, and please give feedback!

Created by: Queen Glory
  1. What is your favorite tribe?
  2. If your mother was the queen of a tribe, and she suddenly died, would you step up?
  3. You are at a buffet. What do you choose to eat?
  4. You are cornered by a dragon in the scorpion den. What do you do?
  5. What power would you want?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. Do you find yourself a good person?
  8. Finally, who is your favorite queen?
  9. Now, choose a fate.
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which WOF queen am I? (All my art!)
