Which WNGO Character Are You? [REMAKE]

This is a quiz surrounding my ocs in the WNGO (We're Never Getting Old) universe! It's a remake of an old quiz because there are new characters in the storyline!

This quiz may not be as accurate as the old one!! Please comment with what character/card you got and whether it was accurate or not! That will help me make better quizzes lol :]

Created by: Brynnstic of tommie's epic socials
(your link here more info)
  2. What's your sexuality?
  3. Introvert or extrovert?
  4. Whats your FAVOURITE school subject?
  5. Do you talk about your feelings?
  6. Who do you think you'll get?
  7. What type of friend are you?
  8. Choose a song :D
  9. Pick an aesthetic
  10. How accurate do you think this quiz will be?

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Quiz topic: Which WNGO Character am I? [REMAKE]
