Which Wings Of Fire Tribe Are You?

In this quiz I will ask you ten questions and you will be given up to seven answers to choose from and at the end it will show you which wings of fire tribe you are.

Please choose carefully and wisely as this will determine what tribe you would most fit in with good luck to anyone that tries this short quiz and thank you!

Created by: The dragon master
  1. If you saw a fruit on a tree would you.
  2. What would you do if an animal was stealing your food?
  3. Is your favourite type of food?
  4. If you saw someone hurting someone would you.
  5. If you could have one of these would you.
  6. Are you
  7. Do you like to
  8. Do you daydream a lot?
  9. Who is your favorite dragon?
  10. Do you like bright colors?

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Quiz topic: Which Wings Of Fire Tribe am I?
