Which wings of fire dragon are you?!

This is a wings of fire quiz so make sure you have read the lost continent and poison jungle before you take this.I will make more of these one day!!!

STAY EXITED!!!!KEEP EXPLOROING!!!!!!!NEVER GIVe UP!!!!!!!!!READ FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHATCH FOR MORE qUIZES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!STAW AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: AlignedPrimoGallup
  1. What are your favorite colors?
  2. What is your favorite thing to do?
  3. Who is your favorite character?
  4. What is your favorite book?
  5. What would you describe yourself as?
  6. What Type Of Dragon Would You Want To Be If You Could Be One?
  7. if you could have one power what would it be?
  8. if you could sense dragons with antaneas would you?
  9. What would you rather eat?
  10. what would you do if you were wingless?

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Quiz topic: Which wings of fire dragon am I?!

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