Which Wings of Fire Character are you?

This is a quiz where you will get to answer some questions and end up with some of made-up characters inspired by the Wings Of Fire books! I hope you enjoy my quiz!

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Created by: Wings_of_Fire
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. If you could be in any tribe, what would it be?
  3. Which weapon would you fight with?
  4. Where would you like to live?
  5. Favorite Character from the first series?
  6. Favorite character from the second series?
  7. How would you like to die?
  8. Which of my fan-made tribes sounds the coolest to you?
  9. What name would you choose for a Seawing?
  10. What name would you choose for a Rainwing?

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire Character am I?
