Which Wings of Fire Bad-Guy are you?

Have you been waiting for that one quiz that you never see? That one quiz that is interesting and different? Well, here you have it! I hope you enjoy!

This quiz will tell you which Wings of Fire villain/bad-guy you are! There are five optional results and ten detailed questions. Also, You can take this quiz even if you haven't read the Wings of Fire - your result descriptions will tell you the key information about the dragon you get. Have fun!

Created by: ~Tsunami~
  1. This quiz is probably going to be mostly Roleplays, Just so you know.
  2. You see two Skywings trying to beat up a Seawing. What do you do?
  3. You are in a battle and are forced to fight seven dragons at once! You...
  4. Choose a word combination that best describes you.
  5. A dragon you don't know gives you the option to stop your evil ways without punishment for the things you have done. What is your reaction?
  6. You are becoming and older dragon and you need glasses. What do you do?
  7. What did you think of that last question? (no effect on final result)
  8. Which is your favourite villain in the wings of fire? (p.s. Not all of the following are possible final results)
  9. Your one true love breaks up with you. You...
  10. Are you excited to see your result? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which Wings of Fire Bad-Guy am I?
