Which will fall for you part 31 | Comments

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  • Fortunately, XxdarkxX, I'm not sick. You silly! Hehe. Well I didn't catch it, but X_Struckdumby_X and BigLoserGirl did. Oh, we just moved back to the United states! We're back in Los Angeles, and we're going to celebrate by greeting our school friends, cousins and parents! We felt bad about leaving our aunt, but we decided to go back cause we're getting tired of the British culture. Plus, Crazygonewild didn't come with us. She said she was moving to sweden. Well, I'm glad to be back! Well we weren't allowed to use the computer in Britain, cause of our selfish aunt. Hey, are you guys happy we're back in the USA? =D

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  • Hey guys, I heard a message of Madison (X_Struckdumby_X) on my "Message machine". Here it is:

    Dear fans and friends of "Which will fall for you",

    It is I, Madison-Lee Andrews. I am going to be

    staying in Britain for awhile, but right now I'm in

    Buffalo, New york, packing up all my stuff. Please,

    I want you all to help gather around and pray for me

    to feel better. I just really want to be cured soon

    and I don't want to be gone. I'm very young and really

    uncomfortab le with this situation now.

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  • To x_struckdummy_x:

    T hank you so much! I am really praying hard that you get better, and I know you won't give up! I wish I could fly out to see you, but unfortunately I can't. We can all pray to Saint John of God, even if we aren't Catholic or Christian, to help you feel better. St John is the patron saint of sickness. I look foward to talking to you again soon, and I just know that you are going to pull through. Keep kicking, Madison! Love, Melissa (Nessie14)

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  • Hey guys, I found this erased message in BigLoserGirl's machine. Madison was using it a while ago when she wasn't sick yet:

    (Messaged by accident)
    "Yeah, It's a lie. To lie that I'm sick.
    Just did that to my parents so my aunt can
    take me to Britain. I'll just act sick soon.
    Yay! Good idea!".

    What a VERY disappointing thing. She faked it the whole time. I am so not speaking to that wicked witch for heaven's sake.

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  • (Message Continues):

    So if I call your name, would you please respond a letter

    back to me? I just know all of you very well and really want to see you on my computer again. Thank you: (Nessie14, XxdarkxX, Cuddles, Whawha, Wiggy, BigLoserGirl, XxLovehatexX and Misty_101.) I may not know much about a couple of you, but I just want to really share my thoughts with and hope to feel better again. So please, leave a comment about me to feel better, so I can get well soon. My friends from Italy, France, and The United states gathered around to fly to Britain to bring me "Get well" gifts. If you are one of them (Cuddles, BigLoserGirl, Whawha and Wiggy), Please so bring some gifts and medical cures. thank you.

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  • [no emails]

    when i was making my account, there was a pack of Skittles next to me, so I put the word "fruity" in my address. then after I made the account, I remembered that "fruity" is a slang term....oh well!

    You could start taking classes for something, like dance. I take dance class and it's really fun, and a good way to exercise!

    are there any crafts you like to do? if so, you can make a bunch and sell them to get a little extra cash, or donate to a charity!

    kinda boring, but you could get a job if you dont already have one!

    thats all i got right now...

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  • I'm not really worried about swine flu because its basically those who don't get treatment who die. So I'm not too worried...everyone else is flipping out tho. I don't think there's a huge reason to worry-i asked my bio teacher and she said its a lot of hype just because they didn't know it could be passed from person to person.

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  • Again with the faking of having "swine flu"??.. Anyway, is it really that dangerous there in your places?? 'cause here in our side of the world we barely even notice all the news that the virus can kill people... Everyone here is not affected about it...

    I've been gone for a very long time and I'm sorry gals for not being here all the time when all these happened... Well I hope that maybe I can make it up to you... Now that it's summer here I can stay whole in my pc....

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  • Thanks for the suggestions nessie14 and xxdarkxx... I' totally appreciate it and I'll try to do all of them if I can..^^

    I've been to our farewell party just today so I'm kind've tired..had lot's of fun climbing the rope ladder, horseback riding and playing the dragon's tail with my classmates and friends....

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  • That is totally Immature on what Madison did! I mean, who would make such a stupid excuse just to stay in Britain? I'm so not her friend anymore. Plus...

    I like the anime show, "Sailor Moon". Don't you guys like it? I most likely love SAILOR SATURN!

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  • Madison, I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick and I'm hoping that you'll get better soon. Thank you for being such an awesome fan and friend. :) the swine flu must suck and we're all hoping you get better soon and we're waiting for your return. We're rooting for you!!!

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  • Whoa, Cuddles, I'm not sick either. Only X_Struckdumby_X. I only got sick a month ago, but I'm already better. Yay! It's good to be back at the USA, using our computer and living with our normal family again! Hugs and misses, XxdarkxX and Nessie14! =D

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  • Who here has email addresses??... Want to exchange emails?..It's kind of boring here especially when you're no longer a high school student..So I'm looking for some kind of hobby or any interesting things..Any ideas??... just email me: [no emails]


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  • Who's in the mood for techno, here? Don't know what it is? Well, there are different types of technos. Take Infernoplex or Revolutions on Youtube, for example. Their both different types of technos. One's a hardcore, which means crazy techno. Another is Trance, that has different categories for techno; House, Electronica, etc. I just am in a mood for the "Revolutions!". Search a techno video on Youtube.com, maybe'll like it!

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  • Hey! You should search this cool Trance video called, "Castle in the sky" by DJ Satomi. It's really awesome!

    There's a place in my mind, no one knows where it hides

    and my fantasy is flying, it's a castle in the sky!


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  • Oh, no, cuddles!:( I hope you feel better soon!

    Whawha, it really does take a long time to get the quizzes out on time, and having deadlines is hard. :( it sucks but yea.

    Speaking of which, I'm sorry I'm late! I have the quiz all written, just need to type it up. :)

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  • try watching death note, misty. Its addicting and incredibly suspenseful- and it only took me a couple of days but it was AWESOME. Like, one of the most brilliant things I've ever seen.

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  • SHE FAKED IT!?! Oh, Geez, so that explains why I was supposed to be her friend. She was just using me and taking advantage of all of us, so she could go to Britain with her aunt. I don't think it's very respectful. =(

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  • Well guys, I've got good news and bad news about X_Struckdumby_X (Madison): The good news, she's going to recover anytime soon. The bad news, she caught the swine flu. So she might be nursed back to health or R.I.P.

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  • Oh no! Hey you guys, bad news! I heard that a swine flu is coming across Kansas, New York and California! Better put on those masks for your mouth! You don't want to catch it! =O

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  • You guys should search for these Techno videos on youtube, by the way. They sounded awesome:

    Infernopl ex, Revolutions, Cloud Control and Forsaken Neon.

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  • Great quiz.I'll be waiting for the next one.By the way, have any of you taken the new quiz; Athelors: which of the 4 are you (or something like that)..It was a nice quiz and I was wondering if you know the one who made it... I really need to email her/him very badly. you can look it up so that you might know the one who made it thanks a bunch

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  • yeah, i heard about the swine flu too. wow, we just had a really hot day in PA. 100 degrees! usually, in the dead of summer, it gets to 90 degrees. its only april! plus, i was outside most of the day filming a movie with my brothers. SO HOT!

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  • That's okay...we just need to be patient..hehe...

    A nyway, I was wondering..you know..if you would like to..I mean..if you want to..take this quiz I just made...

    Athelors : Which of the 4 chosen ones are you..

    And I absolutely would want to hear your comments about it..thanks a bunch...^^

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  • That's okay...we just need to be patient..hehe...

    A nyway, I was wondering..you know..if you would like to..I mean..if you want to..take this quiz I just made...

    Athelors : Which of the 4 chosen ones are you..

    And I absolutely would want to hear your comments about it..thanks a bunch...^^

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