Which Wicked Character Are You?

Have you seen the new Wicked Movie! It is awesome. So just fill in these 10 questions and see which character you are? Fill them out truthfully! And if you get someone you i like then don’t worry. It’s just a quiz.

Are you Elphaba, the not so wicked witch of the west? Glinda The Good Witch of The South? The handsome, dare devil, Fiyero? The beautiful and intimidating Madame Morrible? Just fill out these ten questions and we will see!

Created by: Linda.
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your style?
  3. You are at a party. What are you doing?
  4. You are looking for a date to the next ball. Who do you ask first?
  5. Pick A Class?
  6. There is a big party tonight, what are you wearing?
  7. What is your morning routine?
  8. How do you like to wind down.
  9. If you could go anywhere on holiday where would you go?
  10. How would you rate this quiz??

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Quiz topic: Which Wicked Character am I?
