Which Whale Rider character are you most like?

Hi there! This is the best quiz ever! Its who are you most like in Witi Ihimeara's book 'The Whale Rider' Are you most like Kahu, Koro, Rawiri, Nanny Flowers or the boys? Play this quiz to find out!-By Isabella & Ella


Created by: Isabella & Ella
  1. If your best friend and another friend are in conflict would you.....
  2. If you could go anywhere during the weekend where would you go?
  3. What would you do if a family member went missing?
  4. You see your friend cheating on a test. What do you do?
  5. What is your favourite colour?
  6. If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be?
  7. If you had 1 million dollars what would you spend it on?
  8. Pick a TV show
  9. Pick a movie
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Whale Rider character am I most like?
