Which Weasley Are You Most Like?

Which weasley are you most like ginny, Ron, fred, geroge,, bill, or Charlie. Take this quiz to find out. Share your charecter with me on music. Ly at silly_carzy_life?

Are you like a weasley I know I am I am most like ginny weasley. What are you like take this quiz and share it with others. You will be judge by your points?

Created by: amber
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is you favorite house?
  2. What is the weasleys house called?
  3. What movie did fred die in?
  4. What is the order of age in the weasley family from youngest to oldest?
  5. How many weasleys are there?
  6. What happened when rons wand broke and he tried to fire a spell at Malfoy?
  7. Why did rons wand break?
  8. When was the first time Harry went to the burrow?
  9. When do Ron and Hermione kiss?
  10. When did the potters meet the weasleys?

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Quiz topic: Which Weasley am I Most Like? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Characters Quiz category.