Which Watterson would be your friend?

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This is the Brand new Laugh out loud , Gumball friend quiz! see your friend from cartoon network right here right now. so what are you waiting for go on and try it!

I made this in honor of the new Gumball movie coming, and I hope you like the quiz. You are like all Gumball Fans you love the Wattersons like there real. So try this to all fans of Gumball!( Whoever you get keep watch in the Movie.)So LinX2011 out!!!

Created by: Lincoln Poulin
  1. Which Is your feeling on Saturdays.
  2. Is you could stop A future dictator what would you do?
  3. If your friend was a animal which would he be?
  4. What would he or she wear
  5. Last but not Least, where would your birthday party be?
  6. How would you beat Richard is a game of Wizards?
  7. How Do you play Chess?
  8. Which would you watch?
  9. What is the Void?(Trick Question)
  10. Lastly are you a Chi-Chi or Gumball Fan?

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Quiz topic: Which Watterson would be my friend?
