Which warriors cat are you?

Have you ever read "Warriors" BY Erin Hunter? Well, if so, find out which cat you are! (Includes Clan, name, personality, and appearance description.)

(Also, please keep in mind that no matter which cat you get, they are NOT in the books. Well, maybe fanfiction.. But not the books!) Okay, thank you for potentially taking this quiz!

Created by: Xanthe Propp
  1. What clan are you?
  2. Are you a tom or she-cat?
  3. If your hair light or dark?
  4. If you could dye your hair, what color would it be? (or if you have dyed hair, what color is it?)
  5. Your clanmate is being attacked by foxes, but they are deputy, and if they die you will probably be deputy. What do you do?
  6. Is your skin light or dark?
  7. Favorite drink?
  8. Favorite food?
  9. Favorite color?
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz? (Be honest)
  11. Thanks for taking my quiz!

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Quiz topic: Which warriors cat am I?

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