Which Warrior Cat are You?

Welcome to the clan! Here you find out which thunderclan cat you are or if your just dumb! Oh and HERES A COOKIE BOB SHUT UP ABOUT THE FURNITURE ITS FINE!

Be sure to check out my other quizzes in the future! They will be: What clan do you belong to? Are you a kittypet? Which type of dragon are you? And many more!

Created by: Madeline Chernoff
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. THIS IS A VITAL QUESTION! Are you dumb? Quick whats the sqaure route of 64?
  2. If you had to choose, what cat name would you choose?
  3. so sorry but my cat stepped on the keyboard so here are more options
  4. What is your favorite Warriors book out of these?
  5. Who is your favortite?(mines jayfeather)
  6. Which is your favorite:
  7. BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah(so on and so forth)
  8. So far, are you enjoying the book series? Or have you already read it all?
  9. Would you risk your life to protect your clan?
  10. Finally, What would you like most if you were a cat?
  11. P.S. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Cat am I?