Which War of the Islands Character Are You?

War of the Islands is a fascinating tale of love and war, of family and friendship. Each character has his own unique story and personality, and they intertwine in amazing ways.

But as far as their personalities go, which one are YOU most like? Is it Nathan, Martin, Ria, Jack, Emily, Sandy, or Ethan? Find out in this personality quiz!

Created by: OrangeMM
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick your favorite color.
  2. Choose a dessert.
  3. Which of the following cities would you most want to live in?
  4. You're in the supermarket and you need to buy a loaf of bread, a cucumber, and a package of ham. You only have enough money to buy one of them, so you
  5. Choose one adjective to describe yourself.
  6. I would go on vacation to
  7. Choose the Von Trapp child (from The Sound of Music) that you're most like.
  8. Choose your favorite song from Les Misérables (the musical).
  9. Choose the character from the Heroes of Olympus series (by Rick Riordan) that you're most like.
  10. Choose your favorite continent.

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Quiz topic: Which War of the Islands Character am I?