Which Vocaloid Are You?

Don't be offended if you get drummer girl. Actually you should be and you need to consider if your answers were logical.

Have fun, cake pink fluffy kales dancing on rainbows.

Created by: meku5
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your fav pood er I mean food?
  2. What is your fav sport?
  3. What's your fav type of moosic?
  4. What's your fav stuffed animal?
  5. How good is your singinng voice?
  6. Choose one
  7. Chooose one.
  8. Wut hare culur wud you lik.
  9. Wut tv shows do you lik.
  10. I'm a tuf tootin baby I will punch all yo buns punch all yo buns! If your an evil witch I will punch you for fun1.
  11. Are you a girl or boy?

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Quiz topic: Which Vocaloid am I?