Which Vocaloid/UTAUloid girl are you?

Fans pf utau and vocaloid would indeed like this quiz alot .see which utau or vocaloid you are. Which amongst are you. The next thing your reading is just a filler troollololololloolollo XD XD XD

You have a choice of Miku Hatsune, Teto Kasane, Rin Kagamine, Luka Megurine, Tei Sukone, Momo Momone. Keep reading and you will realize youve been troollololololloololloded XD XD XD

Created by: Jennnifer
  1. What loid guys do like the most?
  2. What item best descibes you?
  3. What is your favorite color out of these below?
  4. If Len kissed you what would you say?
  5. Last Question who are you hoping to get?
  6. Last Question who are you hoping to get?
  7. Filler do not answer this question

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Quiz topic: Which Vocaloid/UTAUloid girl am I?