Which victourous chacter are you

Hey are you a fan of victorous well do YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO YOU ACT LIKE THE MOST! Huuuhh well take the quiz and find out if you do not watch the show please leave OUT I TELL YOU!!!

C. C.

Created by: Alyssa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your crush sakes you to prom you say:
  2. Do you eat scabs?
  3. Do you like cats or dogs?
  4. Do you like looking at funeral videos to make you happy
  5. What's your favorite color some of these effects your score some doesn't
  6. Which movie do you prefer:
  7. What's 3+1,089
  8. Your ugly
  9. Cat
  10. Bye!
  11. Haha one more goodbye since you miss me

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Quiz topic: Which victourous chacter am I