Which Victoria 2 ideology fits you the most?

This test will attempt to determine which ideology from the game Victoria 2 would fit you the most. Keep in mind that this quiz is based only on vanilla game mechanics.

As such, all property is either private or state-owned, things like unionization and suffrage are lumped in together as political reforms etc. Also events are not taken into account.

Created by: Kostus
  1. What type of government would be ideal for you?
  2. What is your stance on political reforms?
  3. What is your stance on social reforms?
  4. What should be your country's trade policy?
  5. What is the best way to run an economy?
  6. What is your stance on religion?
  7. Should foreigners and minorities living in your country to become its citizens?
  8. What are your views on foreign policy and warfare?
  9. Which ideology do you think is stronger in the game?
  10. Which POPs do you identify with (vanilla only)?
  11. What would you most accurately describe yourself as?

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