Which Vampire Academy Character Are You?

Who are YOU?? Mason? Rose? Lissa? Dimitri? Eddie? Natalie? find by taking this quiz for Vampire Academy lovers :) i hope you really like it i got bored at school :)

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey :) hope you enjoy my quiz just for VA lovers!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxoooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooxxxxxxxxooooooo

Created by: Kyra Dempsey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you ever been in an accident?
  2. do you feel like you don't fit in?
  3. do you have a best friend you would do anything for? even die?
  4. do you have a crush on your best friend?
  5. have you ever been in a fight? or hit someone?
  6. what kind of school do you got to?
  7. are you in a group?
  8. who do you think you are?
  9. who arent you?
  10. do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Vampire Academy Character am I?