Which type of Wizard101 wizard would you be?

Which elemental wizard would you be? Will you be a Pyromancer? Thaugmaturge? Diviner? Find out! Find out the perfect wizard101 elemental school for you here.

Do you love fire? Wintertime? Thunderstirms? Even small things like these can impact which elemental Wizard101 school is right for you. Dobyou want to kniw which wizard you want to be? Match it up with your personality. I am a Thaumaturge. Which one will you be?

Created by: Devin Calmary
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Who would be your best friend?
  3. Which of the following would be your pet?
  4. Who would your trainer be?
  5. What is your favorite spell?
  6. What would be your last name?
  7. Would you use a wand or a staff?
  8. What realm would you live in?
  9. Who would you battle?
  10. Which of the following is most powerful to you?

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