Which type of student are you

Look this quiz is not 100% true but it is about 70% so don't get mad if you don't get what you wanted it's ok it may be true it may not. Just don't even worry!

Ok so there is 4 different rudeness bully,smart,careless an average! Be honestly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Missy1073
  1. Do you talk in class
  2. What do you do when the teacher is taking
  3. Do you study
  4. Do you get your homework done
  5. Do you like school
  6. Math thoughts
  7. Fav subject
  8. Ready
  9. Did you like this quiz
  10. Results

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Quiz topic: Which type of student am I