which type of girl are you

Are you ready to know your true personality.Guessing Card included in every pack!.To make this longer I wil write A.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.Spot the q

Soon youll understand yourself better that ever with this fun pack. I am gonna write os.ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.Spot the c

Created by: Julie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you describe yourself
  2. You go to a t shirt shop.Which colour do you want your shirt in.
  3. You are at the maul.A little boy asks you a which personality you have.You say
  4. You and your family decided to go to a pizza resturant.You want:
  5. You want a playdate/hangount with your friend/BFF.How to your get them to find out.
  6. You have been asked to babysit Amy what to you feed her.
  7. You promise your friends to take them to disneyland .What do you do
  8. You see your grades and get suprised or chocked when it is a:
  9. You go to a school halloween party.You dress up as a...
  10. Your mom said you could have a really big reward .You want
  11. You buy an ice cream with your friend you get surprised when you see you both want
  12. Oh no! you are single or have broken up with your crush.The perfect guy would be...
  13. You planned a date with your crush and had to babysit Amy at the same time.Which One do you go to
  14. You go to school And you decided to spread a rumor about Helen the Toughie.You say...
  15. Lets say you have A week more to live.how to you spend it
  16. You decided to have a group it is called.
  17. Your date mail has finally arrived.Which Name does your crush have
  18. You are going to a sleep over and there is a buffe.You eat
  19. You get a choice of lipstick for the big ball.
  20. Your friend and you write graffiti.One writes Love on writes Peace one writes Hell and one writes Cool.Who was you
  21. You got a choice of drinks and a choice of food.You chose:
  22. You find yourself Lost in the forest.Which Path do you choose.
  23. You got lost in a boys camp.Ask them if they want to play
  24. You are in a dance contest .You won by dancing
  25. Amy wanted to join your group.Your reply was:
  26. You go to the hair salon and ask for
  27. What do you think about now
  28. Comments to the quiz

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Quiz topic: Which type of girl am I