Which Type Of Dog Goes With Your Condition?

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Do you want to buy a beautiful dog ut don't know what to buy I will help you to choose amoung the most beautiful dogs in the world?

These are all about your conditions by the way after taking this quiz please leave a comment for me and remember these are not all type of dogs but the most beautiful one's rated around the world.

Created by: elina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First of all this quiz doesn't contain every kinds of dogs just the most beautiful one's now are you ready to continue.
  2. First question how do you care about your dog's beauty.
  3. How many times can you combyour dog to remove deadhair?
  4. Do you have a little kid or another pet at home?
  5. How much time can you spend on training your dog?
  6. Who do you care about your dog?
  7. How manytricks do you want your dog to be able to do?
  8. What color do you wa t your dog to be?
  9. Which size
  10. The last uneffective question did you like this quiz.

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Quiz topic: Which Type Of Dog Goes With my Condition?