Which Type Of Dance Are You?

Everyone can dance even your Grandad!! But which type of dance is best for them?? Dancing is a way of showing feeling and emotion in a whole different way so that we can get our points across dance ranges between simple body movements or fast motions.

So which type of dance matches your personality?? Will you be a funky street dancer or a graceful ballerina, a spicy salsa dancer or a tense tango dancer TAKE MY QUIZ TO FIND OUT!!! Xxxx.

Created by: Isabel
  1. You walk into a silent room of people you?
  2. Someone is crying you?
  3. A cat is stuck up a tree what do you do?
  4. Oh No your teacher at school is angry no homework again what do you do or say?
  5. These 2 boys/girls like you a lot they both ask you out you?
  6. Your on stage telling jokes no-one is laughing you?
  7. Your packing for your holiday you take?
  8. You liked this quiz right?
  9. What is your fave colour? X
  10. So fast or slow?

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Quiz topic: Which Type Of Dance am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Dance Quiz category.