Which Twilight Member Are You?

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This is the quiz to find out which twilight character you are. Do you really want to find out? Yes, right ok then just answer the questions. You can find me on the UK Howrse, under the name of charlie+chunky, PM me with results.

Please take my quiz it is only 12 questions, if you like twilight then this is the quiz for you. Post your results on your pages. Just give it a go and see who you are.

Created by: laura
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you see someone in pain what do you do?
  2. What is Jane Volturi's gift?
  3. Who are the ancient vampires?
  4. Do you like Twilight?
  5. Do you like the Volturi?
  6. Whose gift would you like to have?
  7. How much do you like the Cullen's?
  8. How many times have you watched the films?
  9. Do you like Werewolves or Vampires or Both?
  10. Are you a meat-eater?

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Quiz topic: Which Twilight Member am I?