Which TV Sci Fi Man is your soulmate?

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In the world of Sci Fi there are a lot of handsome men. But have you ever wondered who YOUR Sci Fi soul mate would be? Which dashing fellow matches YOUR personality type?

Take this simple quiz, and see if your hearts desire is in the cards, or if you just aren't his type. Warning: not a tween quiz, or you may be disappointed with the age of your match!

Created by: Emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were going to travel through space, how would you want to do it?
  2. A firefight breaks out. Your lover grabs the nearest thing he can to defend you. What does he grab?
  3. What would your soulmate bring you as a simple gift?
  4. Who is number one?
  5. What is an ideal Friday date night for you?
  6. How often do you think about helping people who are complete strangers?
  7. What frightens you the most?
  8. Are you a good person?
  9. Would people call you "funny"?
  10. What job best suits you?
  11. Do you believe in magic?
  12. The meaning of life is...
  13. And finally... if you had to pick a woman from sci fi whose personality most jives with your own, who would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which TV Sci Fi Man is my soulmate?