Which Transformer Are You? | Comments

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  • Which Transformer Are You?
    Your Result: Bumblebee 81%

    You are the smallest yet well-known, respected, Autobot scout there is. Bumblebee's stature allows him to do his job better than any other Autobot.He is fast to make friends among humans.

    80% Optimus Prime
    78% Sideswipe
    30% Soundwave
    18% Megatron
    9% Starscream

    You see a child passed out on the side of the street. What do you do?

    I'd try to wake the kid, if that doesn't work, take them to the hospital before I pass out too.

    second sister
  • Sideswipe 84%

    You are the Autobot soldier, Sideswipe.Sideswipe is not nearly as much of a sociopath as his brother Sunstreaker, but he is every bit as skillful. He makes rash decisions that may endanger him, all in the name of possible victory.Sideswipe is not without his humour.

    67% Bumblebee
    67% Megatron
    67% Starscream
    48% Optimus Prime
    34% Soundwave

  • YAY!! I am bumblebee!!!! I love bumblebee. He is my favourite transformer!! I love bumblebee. WOOHOO!! This quiz wasn't too bad. I actually quite enjoyed it.

  • I got Sideswipe!

    second sister

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