Which toph towner are you?

Which toph towner are you? Find out below by answering questions about your PvP playstyle and preferences. Make sure to show your results in toph town!

Note that if you are not an answer choice, it's nothing personal - it was people that soph had lots of information about, or who were online at midnight PT.

Created by: sophtoph
  1. Which best describes what type of team you play?
  2. How much do you care about Pokemon aesthetics? E.g. cuteness, coolness.
  3. How much do you care about whether a Pokemon is bulky?
  4. How much do you rely on fast move-pressure?
  5. Do you complete almost all of your GBL sets?
  6. Do you grind for good IVs?
  7. Which best describes you?
  8. Do you intentionally tank for Go Battle Day or other reasons?
  9. Do you build your own teams or copy others?
  10. Are you a whale?

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Quiz topic: Which toph towner am I?
