Which Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are YOU?

Nya~! ATTENTION ALL TOKYO MEW MEW LOVERS!!!!Did you ever wonder what Tokyo Mew Mew character you were?Did you ever wonder what character you friend was?Well...

Which Tokyo Mew Mew Character are YOU?????Are you Mint,Ichigo,Lettuce,Zakuro,or Pudding?????Take this awsome,spectacular,EASY,quiz to find out!!!!Nya~!

Created by: Larilori

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like working?
  2. How do you treat others?
  3. What is you favorite color?
  4. What animal are you?
  5. What is your ideal guy?
  6. If you were fighting,what wepon would you have?
  7. What is one word to describe you?
  8. What punctuation mark(s)are you(....,!! ect.)?
  9. What is or would be your catch phrase?
  10. What would you do/say if someone kissed you?

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Quiz topic: Which Tokyo Mew Mew Character am I?