Which TMNT turtle are you?

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So this is my very first quiz (So please, go easy when critiquing this magnum opus of mine). Keep in mind this applies mainly to the 2012 turtles since I assume most people are most familiar with them.

Please enjoy! Don't forget to share this quiz with others, and get to know me on Youtube or Instagram (both Big N' Soft Raph). Feel free to make conversation here based on anything TMNT or honestly, anything!

Created by: Big N' Soft Raph
  1. What kind of pizza do you like most?
  2. What is your preferred weapon of the ones below?
  3. What is your preferred color for your bandana?
  4. What do you do in your leisure time?
  5. Whose your favorite villain?
  6. Whose your favorite character?
  7. Which turtle species do you prefer? (Based of Rise!)
  8. What shade of green do you prefer as a mutant turtle?
  9. What would your eye color be as a mutant turtle?
  10. Finally, (for those who are older fans or weebs for it like me), which TMNT iteration is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: Which TMNT turtle am I?
