Which The Walking Dead Game: S2 character are you?

The cabin group from The Walking Dead Game: Season Two is a special bunch. Each of them has their own personality and view of things, some are smart and quiet, others are hot-headed and loud.

What if someone asked you; 'Who do you think you resemble from the group?'. You can just tell them; 'Hey, let's take a quiz and find out!'. In this short quiz filled with hypothetical situations, find out who YOU are most like!

Created by: Cara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. An injured, little girl has knocked on your door, some of your group want to let her in and help her, some want to send her out and let her die. What do you do?
  2. The man you are hiding from knows where you are! He is holding your best friend at gunpoint, what do you do?
  3. The man lays off your friend, but pulls you out, putting the gun to your head. What do you do?
  4. The man spared your life, but is taking you back to his community. Your group is planning to escape tonight! How do you suggest you all escape?
  5. Everyone agreed on disguising themselves as walkers. You are alone in the herd and you can't find anyone! What do you do?
  6. Your friend has gained a mysterious bite mark on their arm, they insist it's not a walker but you saw them get bit! What are you going to do?
  7. A pregnant woman in your group is giving birth! Someone asks you to help keep the walkers away, but someone else wants you to help the woman! Who do you help?
  8. A man approaches you when you're alone, asking for you to come with him as his group has food and supplies. What do you say?
  9. Uh-oh! You've got the hots for someone else in the group! How are you going to play this out?
  10. Your group is having an argument about supplies, and it's getting out of hand; someone's getting violent! What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Which The Walking Dead Game: S2 character am I?