which the last of us 2 character are you?!

hi there!! would u like to know what tlou character are you?! well take this quiz ^_^ !! there will be 11 questions that u have to answer. I hope you enjoy the quiz

oh yeah, make sure to hmu if u liked the quiz or if u wanna be friends cs idk what to put here, discord: @hearthuskies, instagram: @ihearthuskiese, tiktok: @grapejuices

Created by: jcookiese
  1. whats ur favourite color?
  2. are u… erm… perhaps… a homosexual?!?
  3. what would u do if u had the only chance to save the world
  4. you see your dad/mom/or anyone you love die right in front of you. Would you go seek revenge?
  5. ure like literally the happiest person in the world with your gf/bf but you feel super guilty about not letting your dad/mom/loved one’s killer die. One day someone shows up in your house and tells you exactly where your loved one’s killer is. You are at the verge of suicide because of your ptsd from seeing your loved one die right in front of you. Would you leave your family, and risk your life once again even if it means being alone for eternity?
  6. whats your biggest fear?
  7. what do you like to do in your free time?
  8. if you would have a pet, what would it be?
  9. oh shıt!! u forgot to do ur homework, what are u gonna do now?
  10. oh god, ur gf’s pregnant…
  11. idk guys i cant think of any other questions

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Quiz topic: Which the last of us 2 character am I?!
