Which Tenpin character are you?

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Which character are you, of the Blue Tower? What is the meaning of Tenpin?1 : a bottle-shaped bowling pin 15 inches high. 2 tenpins plural in form but singular in construction : a bowling game using 10 tenpins and a large ball 27 inches in circumference and allowing each player to bowl 2 balls in each of 10 frames.

What are the steps in playing tenpins?Image result for What is tenpin?The player starts the game by bowling the ball as the first chance of a single frame. If in a single chance, he successfully knocks down all ten pins, it is called a strike and the frame is completed. After the first ball, if still there are some pins which were not knocked down, a second chance is given to the player.

Created by: Em Ell
  1. A new employee has started at Tenpin. Many claim they are stunningly attractive. How do you react?
  2. A customer comes to you with a problem with their food order. How do you react?
  3. It's time for a Tenpin night out! How does your night go!?
  4. How do you deal with problematic Co-Workers?
  5. What is your opinion on Will Landon?
  6. How important is 'Family' too you?
  7. And lastly, what do you value in a Romantic Partner?
  8. Mmmmmm
  9. Grove?
  10. Keely or Karr?

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Quiz topic: Which Tenpin character am I?
