Which teleporter are you - Skulduggery Pleasant

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Francesca Tao here again! This is my 3rd quiz I've made so far on Skulduggery Pleasant. If you haven't already, check them out! Please don't judge my work, I have tried my very, very best. (This time I added emojis so it will be more fun this time!) πŸ‘Έ

Please answer these questions as truthfully as you can. Some of them may be thinking in the future so say what you would like. Have lots of fun! Fran Xxx πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜†

Created by: Francesca Tao
  1. What would your chosen name be like?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Are you evil?
  4. Are you immature?
  5. Pick a colour:
  6. Have you got a job?
  7. Do people have faith in you?
  8. Have you had a boy/girlfriend before?
  9. Choose a description that describes you the most:
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which teleporter am I - Skulduggery Pleasant

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