Which teen titans hero are you

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This quiz tells you if your stat fire or raven or t ronin or curbing or beastboh i worked very hard on this test Becuase I am hard working and do it đź‘Ś

I don’t know why they told me to write this second paragraph 🤦‍♀️and what they made me do it a second time I’m wack a doodle you guys should auhahaje

Created by: Johnny
  1. What’s your favorite color
  2. What’s your favorite animal
  3. What’s your style
  4. Are you introverted or extroverted
  5. What’s your hobby
  6. What’s your language
  7. What is your favorite subject in school
  8. Which season do you like
  9. Do you like this other test ( they’re really cool ) my superpower is fire by the way
  10. Do you like any of these people

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Quiz topic: Which teen titans hero am I
