Which teen titan are you from teen titans go

Do you know the show teen titans go if you say yes have you ever thought of a quiz that told you which one your mostly like or if you say no take this quiz and after you can watch the show.

There are five people you could be most like there’s robin, starefire, raven, beasts boy and cyborg it’s a fun little quiz only twelve questions so give it a try.

Created by: Rylea L.
  1. Which super power would you want
  2. Girl or boy
  3. Pick an object
  4. Pick a color
  5. Would you rather have a unicorn that fights people and is super mean or a dragon that is super nice and won’t fight
  6. Truth or dare
  7. Pick a song
  8. Ok cats or dogs
  9. Your walking down the street and you see someone is robbing the bank what do you do
  10. If you were on a island what would you wish for
  11. There are five boxes one plan cardboard box one with unicorns and cats on it and one with pizza on it which on do you open
  12. Pick one food

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Quiz topic: Which teen titan am I from teen titans go
