Which Team Fortress 2 Class Best Suits You?

With this test, you will find your TF2 class. It doesn't matter which you get. If you don't have TF2, the game is available on Steam Network! #TeamFortress2

With this test, you will find your TF2 class. It doesn't matter which you get. If you don't have TF2, the game is available on Steam Network! #TeamFortress2

Created by: Griffin
  1. You are about to start a new match, but you don't know what to play. What do you choose?
  2. How do you prefer range against enemy players?
  3. Your health is low and all the medics are dead. What do you do?
  4. You are about to face a pyro, and all of your ammo is out. You have only a melee weapon, but the pyro can quickly kill you- no matter the class. What do you do?
  5. SKIP TO NO. 12
  6. SKIP TO NO. 12
  7. SKIP TO NO. 12
  8. SKIP TO NO. 12
  9. SKIP TO NO. 12
  10. SKIP TO NO. 12
  11. SKIP

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Quiz topic: Which Team Fortress 2 Class Best suits me?