Which TCSIH Member Are You?

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This needs to be filled, a hundo and fifty words need to be written or some s---. Ignore, stop reading. Srsly, no reason. Nothing is being said here.

Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta! Harzee Benuta!

Created by: amazon
  1. When at "da club"...?
  2. Favourite colour?
  3. The TCS Gang is hanging out. We get mugged! You're...?
  4. My driving...?
  5. My style?
  6. My ideal wedding theme?
  7. Shuffle! What's the genre most likely to play?
  8. True or False! I'm a great listener?
  9. Dinner time! What's your out dining preference?
  10. Spirit Animal?

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Quiz topic: Which TCSIH Member am I?