Which "T.H.E" character are you?

"T.H.E" - "Timeless, Harrowing, Eclipsed" is a book franchise on Wattpad by Karis Lindemann Rahl. It is a Diabolical Fantasy story about war, controversy, loss, love and the power of will. There are a lot of characters on it, most of them are portrayed (just for the book, not officially) by some of the most remarkable actors - Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Emilia Clarke, Charles Dance, Lena Headey, Elena Anaya, Evangeline Lilly,Hugh Jackman and many more.

Are you Dellaria the witty red haired vampire or are you a dark demon like Valentine? Are you Ethan, the boy from our world, or maybe even the cute Carlotte who is on a quest to free the world? Yes, this quiz does not involve most of the characters but it really does show which character is your alter ego at all. Enjoy!

Created by: Karis Rahl of Wattpad
(your link here more info)
  1. Your close relative is killed. What do you do?
  2. You are the ruler of Elyria. What do you do?
  3. You have to take something from the Hidden Vault in the elven kingdom. What do you take?
  4. You are invited on a ball in the Red Palace in Adequarth. What do you wear?
  5. Are you a good or a bad kind of a person?
  6. Which is your favorite kind of music?
  7. Who would you sit next to if you had the chance to?
  8. What element is your zodiacal sign?
  9. Describe yourself in three words.
  10. Pick a movie.
  11. Where would you rather live?
  12. What kind of weapon would you use?

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Quiz topic: Which "T.H.E" character am I?