Which Sweet Valley High Character Are YOU?

There are a million people who have the same characteristics of these five famous teens;and you're one of them! After all, we are all human, and there aren't that many different personalities in the world. So take this quiz and see who you are.

Do YOU have a love of money like Lila, a humorous personality like Egbert, or are as shy as Rollins, reliable as Wilkins, honest as Liz Wakefield, or mean as Jess Wakefield? Up till now you could not only wonder... But thanks to the quiz, you will quickly find out!

Created by: chasingme

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who do you see yourself being?
  2. Are you reliable as a friend?
  3. What do you consider yourself to being?
  4. Your brother's girlfriend just died from leukemia, and you see that he is very lonely and depressed. Also, your friend informs you that she really likes him. What would you do???
  5. You have a big test on Friday but your friend also tells you that she has tickets to your favorite band and wants to skip school. What would you do?
  6. You hate this girl who has been bullying your sister at school. However , one day she has dark marks under her eyes and looks horrible and you see her take pills in the bathroom. You...
  7. If you can have anything in the world, what would it be?
  8. Would you like to be in a committed relationship?
  9. Do you like popularity?
  10. Do you like writing?
  11. Are you self reliant?
  12. Do you like hamburgers?
  13. Are you (a)...
  14. Fave color?

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Quiz topic: Which Sweet Valley High Character am I?