Which SuperMixelPrep character are you?

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You wanted to be in mixels, SuperMarioLogan or preschool prep? We limited it to my top 10 favorite characters from the 3 franchises and see which one are you by taking this survey.

Are you going to be a character from mixels, SuperMarioLogan or preschool prep? Take this survey and see what you got as a result for your moment of truth and stuff for this.

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your age?
  4. What do you originate in?
  5. Are you a vehicle?
  6. What is your favorite number?
  7. How many pieces in your lego set?
  8. What series are you in?
  9. Do you carry an umbrella with you all the time?
  10. How many eyes you have?

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Quiz topic: Which SuperMixelPrep character am I?
