Which SuperMarioLogan: Robot Jeffy character are you?

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The iconic SML Movie is here with Disney being my most favorite company for that. We decided for Star Wars fans and SML fans to take this survey and see which robot jeffy character are you?

Which SML robot are you mostly like? It is between jeffy and Cody for that matter. You want to be light or dark? Take this survey and see what you got?

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What side are you on?
  2. What is your favorite Star Wars character?
  3. What is your lightsaber color?
  4. What number you like?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. Do you like Chewbacca or Jabba the Hutt?
  7. Do you like Mace Windu or Count Dooku
  8. What does your name start with?
  9. Are you mistaken for jeffy putting the pepper in his eyes?
  10. Last question… who do you expect to get? (Won’t change your answer).

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Quiz topic: Which SuperMarioLogan: Robot Jeffy character am I?
