which superhero are you?

There are loads of superheroes but which one are you? You might be one or perhaps a villain. Check what you got in your superhero serum, waiting to be drunk!

Luckily, some places have the answer. Like this one. Or like that one. You need to see- cos' you might be- a chimpanzee- heeheeheehee! Sorry, but that rhymes. I am deadpool.

Created by: amitai nachmany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favourite food of these?
  2. Are you...
  3. If you were at school and you were asked by the local geek, "excuse me, do you know a million and a half to the power of 2?" what would you do?
  4. What's your favourite colour?
  5. fox or press
  6. Which of these names is your favourite?
  7. Do you like flying?
  8. Say a swear word.
  9. Are you gonna answer this question?
  10. Are you a pumpkin?

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Quiz topic: Which superhero am I?