Which Stay Tuned for Danger character are you

Hello, everyone, and welcome to my Stay Tuned for Danger personality quiz! There are a bunch of these so I decided to make my own. I hope you enjoy it

Are you the kind and understanding Mattie, the arrogant and vain Rick, the selfish and greedy Dwayne, the sarcastic and rude Lillian, the eccentric Millie, or the caring Ralph? Find out now!

Created by: Trisha Gaurav
  1. What word describes you?
  2. Which character did you sympathize with?
  3. Which song reminds you of yourself the most?
  4. Why does Rick deserve to live?
  5. What's your favorite movie (if none of these, please pick one anyway)?
  6. Which part would you land?
  7. What do you like to do
  8. Your favorite book genre is...
  9. Someone you know almost gets killed by a stage light. What do you do?
  10. Do you like animals?

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Quiz topic: Which Stay Tuned for Danger character am I
