Which starter Loomian are you?

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Which Starter are you?Are you Vambat?Or Fevine?Or Embit?Or Weevolt?Or Dripple?Or Eaglit?Or Snocub?Oh and if u have a roam charm plz trade me my username is MasterUltimaAkita.

if you dont know try taking this quiz also if the type isnt the same as the original that means because its type is the sme as the other starter loomian

Created by: Master_Ash
  1. Do you want to be fast or strong or immune or can fly?
  2. Which is your favourite type?
  3. What animal(s) do you like?
  4. Fighters or just Regulars?
  5. Which starter would you choose if you're in the game right now?
  6. Where would you like to live?
  7. What is your Favourite Roaming Loomian
  8. If you were a starter which one would you be?
  9. Who is the NPC EXP farm?
  10. Who created Loomian Legacy?

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Quiz topic: Which starter Loomian am I?
