Which star wars character are you

Are you a sith lord? Well lets see which one you are. Are the master of the sith or are you a sith apprentice well have a go and find out which ome you are

The characters you can be is the master ofnthe sith Darth sideous. The machinery of Darth Vader. The old Darth Tyranos and laat of all the red Darth Maul

Created by: Matthew Leader
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of light saber would you have?
  2. Would you have an apprentice?
  3. Would you aim no overthrow your master
  4. Would you do stuff yourself or let somebody else do it for you
  5. Which music do you prefer
  6. What do you prefer
  7. Which army would you have
  8. Wrere you once a jedi
  9. Which jedi would you kill
  10. Who would you prefer to be

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Quiz topic: Which star wars character am I