Which Star Wars character am I?

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This quiz holds a myth of 3 of the greatest Jedis. Their greatest enemy, Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker), would do anything at all costs to stop them. Bye

Are you going to help the 3? Solve this mythical Quiz to stop Darth Vader and his evil plans. When he dies that is because his mind turned good again.

Created by: Wassim Alzaza
  1. What kind of Force move do you like best?
  2. Which droid is your fave?
  3. Darth Vader is attacking you. What do you do?
  4. How to stop yourself from going to the dark side.
  5. You and Vader are fighting. Where?
  6. You are fighting General Grumpy. And you need to think quickly. What are you thinking?
  7. You are fighting Darth Maul. One of you falls off the edge. Who?
  8. Who wants to rule over the galaxy?
  9. Who doesn't listen to Yoda the most when Yoda tells him to control his rage and fear?
  10. Whose mother dies in the Tusken tribe

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