Which spy academy house are you in.

This quiz will show you your true personality you MUST be honest and not how you want to be like. You can retake the quiz. Dont hurry and try your best.

Also I would reeeaaaalllyyyy appreciate it if you sent this link to your friends or you show them what team you were put into. For extra fun you could tell your parents about this so they can have a go.

Created by: Katya
  1. What animal would you bring to school. A bat, a pig, a parrot or a goat
  2. What goggles would you wear to school. Bright ones, funky ones, dark ones, or ones that stand out.
  3. There is an old poor man. What would you do. Pay him every week, prank him, ignore him or make a secret deal with him
  4. What type of castle fits you. Dark and gloomy, Colourful and bright,Funky and weird, secret and hidden
  5. A classmate drops his/her books. What do you do. Help quickly, boast that you would never drop your books, prank them or pretend that your hidden
  6. Your favourite colour.
  7. Whats your favourite group of colours
  8. Your favourite flower
  9. Your favourite animal
  10. Your favourite thing

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Quiz topic: Which spy academy house am I in.
