Which Springfield Character are you?

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There are many different characters in Springfield. Who can you relate to? Take this short quiz to find out which character you would be hangin' with.

Don't question which Simpsons character you subconsciously like the best. Answer these 12 questions and know the answer for sure. It may surprise you.

Created by: Heath H.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do You Consider Yourself To Be:
  2. What's your ideal set of wheels?
  3. Your Dream Vacation Would Be:
  4. Favorite Movie Genre:
  5. You've been placed on Death Row. It's your turn next and they've sent you an order form for your last meal. Pick one:
  6. Your favorite color is:
  7. The pet you keep if you could only have one:
  8. Your ideal weapon for a zombie apocalypse would be:
  9. Your lucky (or favorite) number is between:
  10. Your ideal mate would be:

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Quiz topic: Which Springfield Character am I?