which spongebob character are you

are you a big sponge bob fan do you love the characters but do you want to know which one you are if yes do the quiz for nickelodean yessssssssssssssssssssss

oh who likes sponge bob and wants to do a quiz WE DO WE DO who needs to know the charactar they are WE DO WE DO then do this quiz (that was ment to be like the sponge bob theme tune)

Created by: clancy
  1. what describes u the most
  2. if you had to choose a habitat
  3. if u had to choose a power what would it be
  4. what movie would you choose
  5. favourate sport
  6. whats your favourate company
  7. favourate food
  8. favourte type of maths
  9. favourate meal of the day
  10. favourate time of day

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Quiz topic: Which spongebob character am I
